Eat your skin healthy: beautiful skin from the inside out

Eet je huid gezond: een mooie huid van binnenuit

Guest blog by: Marian Witte – naturopath, nutritionist, orthomolecular therapist and intestinal flora therapist in the practice . Marian has been using Food for Skin skin care products for 2 years.

Food for beautiful skin

Your skin reflects your health. This is a frequently heard statement that contains quite a bit of truth. In addition, your skin is immediately visible to those around you. This is why skin problems are often experienced as very annoying. Dry skin, acne, eczema, rough or sagging skin or excessive wrinkle formation are common. But what can you do yourself? Of course, good, natural facial care is important. Preferably without disruptive substances. Food for Skin's skin care is of course a good example of this. But you can also take good care of your skin from within. Do you want to know how your skin generally works, which substances you need and what you can eat to pamper your skin? Then read on.

You probably don't think about it every day, but what does your skin actually do? Really quite a lot. Did you know that your skin is your largest organ? It literally forms the barrier between your outside and inside world. Your skin is responsible for, among other things, producing vitamin D, maintaining a stable body temperature and not losing too much moisture. Your skin also ensures that you can feel; cold and warm, but also vibration, itching and pressure. You can also get rid of waste products through your skin through sweating. In short, our skin is very versatile and deserves good care, inside and out.

What is our skin made of?

Our skin consists of a number of layers. The epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous connective tissue. Your epidermis is renewed approximately every month. New skin cells are constantly being produced in the epidermis, and they also die. There are also pigment cells in the epidermis, which have a function in tanning in the sun.

The dermis is the second layer of the skin. This layer contains blood vessels, but also lymphatic vessels, nerves and sebaceous glands. The blood vessels ensure the supply of nutrients while the lymphatic vessels ensure the removal of waste products from the skin. The sebaceous glands keep your skin slightly oily and protect it from dehydration. In the dermis you will also find collagen and elastin, which help keep your skin firm and elastic. The dermis is important because it also provides nutrition for the upper layer of the skin, the epidermis.

The third layer of the skin is the subcutaneous connective tissue, which provides protection to the underlying organs, among other things. In this layer of the skin you will find blood vessels and fat, which insulates and provides energy.

Healthy skin, healthy intestines

Good digestion and intestinal function are important for beautiful skin. Everything you eat must be processed by your digestive system into nutrition for your body. This nutrition is distributed in your body via the bloodstream and therefore also reaches your skin. It is therefore very important that your digestion works properly. Are you sensitive to certain nutrients, do you have variable stools or a swollen stomach? Then it is advisable to work on this. In many cases, this will also improve your skin complaints. Think of fiber, sufficient fluid, healthy fats and of course sufficient vitamins, minerals and proteins.

What food is good for your skin?

Many of the foods that are healthy for your gut are also important for your skin. But which food is really good for your skin? Below you will find no less than 11 boosters for your skin!

1. Collagen and chondroitin

As you have read before, the dermis contains collagen . As you get older, the level of collagen decreases and it may be useful to supplement this with your diet. If you eat animal products, bone broth is a great skin booster. Bone broth contains a lot of collagen and chondroitin. The skin of the chicken or salmon also contains collagen. In addition to your skin, your intestines, joints, tendons and all your connective tissue also benefit from this. There is no vegetable collagen. When you eat vegan, it is best to eat plant-based foods that contain a lot of vitamin C and stimulate collagen production in your body. You can read more about this below.

2. Vitamin A

Beta-carotene or carotenoids are also called provitamin A. These substances can be converted into vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is necessary for cell division and plays a role in preventing or improving eczema, psoriasis and acne. You can find this vitamin in many fruits and vegetables, such as pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, tomato and mango. Vitamin A can also be found in animal products such as eggs and liver sausage. Some supplements also contain vitamin A, but be careful with this as too much vitamin A can be harmful.

3. B vitamins

B vitamins are very important for healthy skin. There are various types of B vitamins. They are water soluble and work together. Deficiencies of one or more B vitamins can lead to acne, eczema, rough skin, premature wrinkling and flaky skin around the nose, mouth and eyes. It is therefore advisable to get enough of these B vitamins. Some B vitamins are produced in healthy intestines. Here too we see the relationship with your digestion.

Meat, fish and shellfish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes, leafy vegetables and seeds, among others, provide us with many B vitamins. Folic acid - also called folate or b11 - is mainly found in legumes and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, endive and romaine lettuce. Steam or stir-fry your vegetables briefly to retain as much folic acid and other vitamins as possible. B12 is mainly found in animal products such as fish, eggs and chicken. These animal products also contain other B vitamins, including: B2, bB5, B8. If you eat mainly plant-based, it may be advisable to use a good B12 supplement.

4. Vitamin C

Fruit and vegetables contain all kinds of substances that support the skin. Take vitamin C for example. This vitamin promotes the production of collagen in your body. Foods that contain a lot of vitamin C are: kale, oranges, and peppers.

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E provides protection against free radicals and inflammation. Vitamin E can be found in fish, sesame oil and avocado.

The Food for Skin products also contain vitamins A, B, C and E. Curious which ones? Read it here!

6. Zinc

Zinc is an important trace element that helps your skin to recover, because it plays a role in cell renewal. It is also an antioxidant that protects your cells. A zinc deficiency may be related to pimples or acne. In addition, zinc makes an important contribution to the formation of stomach acid. Stomach acid is necessary for good digestion and good digestion is important because it ensures that important substances are absorbed and end up where you need them. Fish, shellfish and crustaceans are good suppliers of zinc.

7. Proteins

Proteins ensure that your body can carry out repair work, including in the skin! Animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs and dairy contain the important protein lysine. If you eat a plant-based diet, choose nuts, seeds, kernels, lentils, beans and legumes. Pay attention to your lysine intake, because this is less common in plant-based foods.

8. Sulfur-rich food; MSM

Sulfur is very important for healthy skin. MSM stands for Methylsulfonylmethane and is good for your skin, hair and nails. It plays an important role in building and keeping your connective tissue strong and it has an anti-inflammatory effect. A deficiency can lead to dry skin. Foods rich in sulfur include animal products, such as mussels, fish, chicken and eggs. Sulfur can also be found in nuts. Think of Brazil nuts and almonds. In terms of vegetables, you will find a lot of sulfur in Brussels sprouts, broccoli and the types of cabbage white, red, green and Savoy cabbage.

9. Good fats, omega 3

Omega 3 is an important fatty acid for healthy skin. Omega 3 fats help your skin stay hydrated and provide thicker, supple skin. They also help to inhibit inflammation in acne, redness or psoriasis.

Oily fish contains a lot of omega 3. The smaller the fish, the less polluted it is. Think of sardines and herring. But salmon and mackerel also provide omega 3.

Vegetable omega 3 fatty acids can be found in algae oil or walnuts.

An indirect way to improve your fatty acid status is chia seeds. This contains ALA, a fatty acid that can be converted by the body into omega 3 fatty acid. Please note: this conversion does not seem to be easy for everyone, so it is not always an efficient way to improve your fatty acid status.

10. Anti-inflammatory herbs

If you suffer from acne, rosacea or eczema, the above foods are definitely recommended. But perhaps anti-inflammatory herbs can also work well. These are turmeric, ginger and Mediterranean herbs such as basil, oregano and thyme.

11. Moisture

Drinking enough is important for your skin. This way you can properly remove your waste products and hydrate your body and skin. Water is very healthy, preferably as pure as possible. But herbal teas are also very suitable. Think of ginger, turmeric, peppermint, chamomile. Vary as much as possible. Drink at least 6-8 large glasses of water or herbal tea per day. Don't overdo it, because if you consistently drink too much water, it is not healthy and you can also lose minerals.

What food is good for the skin

The summary? Your skin is an important organ for your health and appearance. Good nutrition for your skin is diverse and contains sufficient healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Healthy digestion and intestinal function are the basis of healthy skin.

It is clear that vitamins and minerals are good for your body! But your skin, your largest organ, will also be very happy with these vitamins. Read more about which vitamins are good for your skin, the Food for Skin skin philosophy or order your products in the shop .

It is impossible to be complete in one article about nutrition and the skin and how to prevent or remedy skin problems. Do you want to work on your nutrition, digestion, or improve your skin from within? Please feel free to contact Marian Witte from NatuurVitaal. She will be happy to help you with a personal plan of action. Read more about her and her approach here .

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